As most of you have already deduced, that is a quote from the charming, perfect-for-TBS movie, What Women Want. This came across my viewing list last night as I was trying, and failing, to get tired. What follows in this writing will incidentally analyze the movie in addition to the reason for starting this. So read on, mind readers.
If you could have the ability to hear the thoughts of those whom you are attracted to, would you? Not 'just for a day,' not 'sometimes,' not 'only when I really need it.' Full blown, can't turn off, everyone around you, at all times. Yes or No.
Instead of exploring both sides and being all diplomatic like my astrological sign tells me I'm supposed to be, I'm just going to flat out tell you no, I would not like this 'talent.' Now here's why.
My biggest problem is the lost excitement that vanishes without the presence of mystery. Secrets keep us wanting. If you get the answer before you even ask the question, then relationships would be fast forwarded. There would be no more guessing. With no guessing, there would be no chances. No risks. Everything you did would be calculated. Programmed. Fake. Insincere. And while you may have the strongest feelings in the world for whomever you are talking to, your intentions are immediately compromised when you already know the answer. So what's the fun in that? If there's never any risk, there's never any reason to 'jump, and hope to God you can fly.' That vulnerability is everything. Vulnerability is a good thing. It's what keeps us human. And keeps us alive. That's why I live.
The other main issue is related, but now delves into the movie a bit more. So to spoiler the movie for you, Mel Gibson falls for Helen Hunt because he gets to see the real her by listening to thoughts that no one else gets to hear. And she falls for him because he 'learns' how much of an asshole he was and becomes a new man. All sounds good right? Well what a sham that relationship is based on. He wooed her because he could read her mind. And she wooed him because she showed a side of herself that no one would have ever seen. What kind of crock of shit is that? THAT is what a relationship needs to be based on? That is true love?? Soul mates??
People get to see what you show. You get to see what people show. The rest is a game. The right game pulls on cords of passion, joy, frustration, determination, sacrifice, and ultimate success. That's what living does. And this is one game where I don't want the cheat codes.