Now I wasn't in a completely me state. It had been a long weekend. I had just dominated some games of Golden Tee. But for some reason, something really struck me about the oscars this time around. And it's not that, what I noticed, is something new that I look for in life, but maybe it was something that I needed to feel now more than ever. Maybe now, after a few years, I am more keen to picking it up, or am starting to find it in places I hadn't normally looked, but it was ever-present on Sunday night. And it struck such a deep cord in me.
Of course, I am talking about Passion.
Usually, I am the first to turn an eye away from celebrities. I don't have much of an attachment to watching, reading, or listening to the monotonous squandering, extravagent lifestyles, and meandering daily routines of those that have obtained celebrity status. Much. I've been known to catch an article or two, but many people know of my distaste for Access Hollywood and TMZ. And how baffled I am at people that are so caught up in these spotlight creatures. Just cuz they hit it big, found a break, and made it onto the screen, or radio, or field, they suddenly have more answers than I do? How does that work?
So while I harbor this mild contempt for the walking glitter of those that we call famous, I realized that they aren't so different than who we all are. I could go on and talk about circles of friends, inside jokes, awkward families, and bad breakups, but it rang truest with passion.
I saw such a strong admiration between everyone nominated, everyone on stage, everyone in the audience. I saw a legitimate outpouring of emotion during acceptance speeches. I saw the raw appreciation for Heath Ledger. I also love the Dark Knight.
But I've been seeing this absolute display of passion everywhere. Suffocating hugs. Inadvertant tears. Soulful lyrics. Being left speechless. All of it. It comes out so regularly. It ends without notice. Like this.

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