The car that you drive every day is one of the largest billboards that advertises who you are. Everything about the car you choose to drive reflects greatly on who you are as a person. Your clothes change all the time. Yes, you can find yourself comfortably exploring a certain style or trend, but your clothes are constantly changing for various reasons. Your car is there every single morning. The music you listen to, the movies you watch and love, the hobbies you take up, they are all giveaways for who you are, but they all tend to be more fluid than the vehicle that you drive.
Okay, so what you drive is a staple in your life, got it. So what? Well whether or not you realize it, every detail about your car tells another segment of the story that is you.
You didn't pick silver because you don't care about color. You probably picked silver because its the cheapest, most common color for a car. Black (standard? cool?), red (showoff? attention-craver?) , tan (conservative? boring?). They all mean something about your personality . And if you did pick it just because that was the color available so you figured you'd just go with it, then that says something about you. The color is the first thing people will notice about your car. Maybe you care about how dirty it will look, or how it will match your hair, whatever. There are many decisions you might make about the color of your car that will be indicative of you, and even a lack of a decision says something.
Are you driving a sports car or sedan, SUV or car, automatic or stick shift? Do you need a minivan to accommodate your family, or are you single and loving it with two doors? Does all-wheel drive give you better handling through the corners? Would you rather be small and quick or big and comfortable? So you want the sport suspension or the luxury edition?
Really, I could go on and on about this. The seats, the audio package, the warranty, the wheels, the gas mileage, the logo, the price, the name. Whether you like it or not, you're car is an extension of who you are. The void of a decision still tells a tale. There are very few things in life that stand as a full representation of who you are. So next time you're driving down the road, stuck in traffic, eyes whipping between hundreds and hundreds of cars, ask yourself one question: What drives you?

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