“Are you ready for fall?” I asked one of my roommates last night.
“Want to get into some of those fall fashions?” I prodded.
“No it's 9 o'clock at night and it's 97 degrees out.”
“And yes. By the end of a season, I start to get excited about clothes
I get to wear again. At the beginning of summer, I was excited to wear
questionably short shorts and boat shoes.”
We’re just over one month into the scientifically defined season of
summer, but in the midst one of the hottest and driest summers in the last 50
years, there’s already an itch in the air, grumblings about the welcome that
cooler air will bring, including but not limited to the ability to make a five
or more minute drive without seriously considering planning a ‘driving shirt’
so you don’t prematurely change the color of your back from periwinkle to
indigo before you’ve even splashed the scene. As a recent automotive surgery
forced two buses, a train, and over a mile of walking to get to work while I once
again wait for my car (yes, the same issue), I can tell you that it doesn’t get
a whole lot more refreshing outside the vehicle. I’m thinking I should have
worn shorts and changed when I got to work. Hindsight. Regardless, since June 8th
(an arbitrary date chosen to make the stats seem more amazing), so the last 49
days, we’ve had 41 days with a high temperature 85 degrees or higher, 25 of
those 90 degrees or higher, 5 of those 100 degrees or higher, including
yesterday. It’s been warm.
Over the course of those 49 days, how many days have I been active, as
in, not just come home, make dinner, watch some TV, and go to bed? I don’t have
that number, but I can tell you with wavering certainty that it closely
resembles the amount of days that it was 85 degrees or higher, give or take,
over the same time period. Have I been uncomfortable during drives home,
distraught over what to wear on a first date, nervous with my sweaty hands on a
softball bat, beyond exhausted after an hour of basketball, suddenly aware of
even the smallest sanction of shade during wiffle ball? Unequivocally. But the
truth is, I was able to see, do, meet, try, and live more in the last 49 days,
if even at times despite the weather. These sentiments cannot be repeated in 6
I’m looking forward to fall. Reasonable temperatures, football Saturdays,
football Sundays, baseball playoffs, wearing hoodies again, reconnecting with
my indoor volleyball team, celebrating my birthday, you know, the important
stuff that everyone can appreciate. But in no way am I ready to give up on
summer yet. Fingers crossed, we have two more months of 70s and 80s, giving me
enough motivation to wear myself as thin as possible and do as much as possible
while it’s still possible. The worst thing about fall is that it shares a
border with winter. And winter only has about three things going for it. And
two of them involve snowboarding.
So it will be nice to put together a nice outfit with dress shoes and
not sweat like I’m being chased by a lion, in Africa, but I’m not ready to hang
up the flip flops, sun, boat, BBQs, marathon bags days, street fests, outside
drinking games, planning for fantasy football, being active 5-6 nights a week,
and every other amazing aspect that summer has to offer, whether it’s 75 or
105, I will use up every ounce of summer I have. I know what’s coming. It will
get here soon enough. What do to we say to it? Not today.
agreed! I need at least a few more weeks! :) :)