So, today's a little different. Today doesn't earn a concentrated spotlight on some seemingly insignificant part of my life. Today was a pretty important day as far as this country goes. Today was a day that forced companies to turn away when people walked to a TV, brought in portable monitors, streamed online. Today was a day that saw more than a million people gather in a single location. Today was a day that promised change.
So, it's odd that I have less to say.
And it's not that I don't care, or that I'm unamerican, or maybe I am, but in my opinion, the impact that this country will feel as a result of today has already peaked. Hell it peaked almost two months ago when he was declared the winner. The winner of what? Who's the best salesperson? Who can convince the people of this country that he's telling the truth, when so many years have taught us otherwise? Have you ever trusted a politician?
The mere act of having the most votes is much louder, and speaks many more volumes than anything he can accomplish in office. Who knows what hardships this country will face during his term. Who knows how long his term will be. But the symbol he now portrays might be enough to change a few people. It might not. I have a small hunch that change is inevitable. Doesn't matter your race. Change is constant. This society goes through waves of change, and progression, and recession, and you start to see patterns, flow, repeats of history. Do we really think it was the minds of a few select humans that controlled the fate of our lives? Or are we, as a whole, destined to perform this dance?
I tend to shy away from personal destiny. Too much, faith... But who's to say that the sum of all the parts, the population, added together, might have been poised for change anyways? Did we just prove we already are?
Sometimes questions are better than answers.

Please don't shake the foundation of my forced optimism.