This new trek into the worn out world of BlogSpot brings on so many new opportunities to explore. Instead of waiting for inspiration, I am finding it. I'm drawing the most out of the least. I am grabbing the something out of the nothing. I'm taking my own advice to "take in the nuances of life and make it reverberate with passion. Find the great in the small. The perfect in the created. The something in the nothing. And embrace it."
The outcome, so far, has been 2-fold.
Upping my frequency of writing supposedly helps the quality of my writing. It allows you to see a trend. A progression. A flow. I like these things.
But if I am now, in fact, 'finding' my own inspiration instead of just waiting until i move out or start a new job, I am shining a brighter light on parts of my day that were never lit up. Looking at your daily life with a stronger lens, a better zoom, a brighter light, makes you see so much more that you would have never realized.
It's a dangerous tool to have. I don't want my life to turn into constant recycling blog ideas.
Is it knowing where the line between writing and living lies, or is it knowing that there isn't a line, that can make a writer?
Oh go blog about it:

chris lazzerini you take that picture down right now!! haha. funny. i deserve it. i really wasn't trying to be mean spirited when i told you to go blog about it, just giving you a hard time out of love. i used to have one of these too. actually the exact same colors and layout and everything. creepy..