You know in Office Space when Peter describes how every day is the new worst day of his life? That could not be farther from the truth for me. Every year of my life has been better than the previous year. 2009 was the best year of my life. I'm not saying that every day was better than the previous, but as a whole, I am truly pleased with how well the year went. A year working the same job. A year driving the same car. A year living on my own. Escaped to Wisconsin twice, Ft Lauderdale once, and painted New York City for the first time, which is still surreal to me. I met new people. Stayed connected with old friends. Even managed to date a girl or two.
Overall, I am more of a complete self than I have ever been. I am closer to figuring out who I am and moving forward with a purpose. The first 6 months of 2006 started a change in my life that is unrivaled, and every segment of time since then has been a reinforcement of the direction my life is going. I am confident in who I am and what I believe in. I am in the best shape of my life. I have the closest friends that I can remember. There have been so many memorable nights that I can't even begin to list them all. Let's just say I have 978 pictures saved in 29 different folders from 2009 alone. So to all my friends that were with me for those days and nights, thank you.
We rocked last year.

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