Let me preface this by saying that I'm not here to tell you that you're your beliefs, morals, or the ways you live your life are wrong. I don't have the answers, I have never claimed to. And even the strongest of my arguments has a second ear to listen to the other side, because at any moment, I could be as wrong as I claim my opposition is. So if all I accomplish with this post is to help you inspect your habits and actions to a degree that you're not used to, then I consider it a success. You might find out that what you have set up for yourself is exactly what you believe is the right thing to do, so all this did was reinforce it. Or you might find some areas that could use a tweak, so all you had to do was steer the bow a touch. I don't plan on overhauling any lives with this.
Getting back to this point, the point of believing that this life, the life we lead until we die, is just a skipping stone. If you want to call this a temporary life because it's, well, not permanent, I'm all for it. But, if this is just a means to the ends, if you live this life on the theory or guess that there is an afterlife, and that your only goal is to make sure you're on the right track to a prosperous and delightful eternity, then you have to be missing out on something. I'm not one to say whether there is or is not an afterlife. Really, I, like everyone else currently alive, has no idea. No matter how much faith you have, or research you've done, or any other means of formulating an opinion, no one has anything more than a guess as to what happens to us when we die. Would I like to believe that there is an afterlife? Sure. Do I? That's harder for me to admit.
But what I can admit is simple: there is a real life. There is a today. And for most people in the world, there is a tomorrow. I am 24 years old, and hopefully, if I can keep this up, I have about another 60 years of my life left. And in the same way that the boys from Dazed and Confused wanted to walk away knowing they got the most out of their time spent at Robert E. Lee High School, I want to get the most out of this life. This current, human interaction, blood can be shed, feelings can be felt, real life that we are all experiencing.
The problem with me writing about this, is there is a disconnect between what constitutes the path of afterlife. I agree, thinking in extremes, it would be worse to 'enjoy' this life and spend eternity in hell compared to 'sacrificing' this life and spending eternity in heaven. Given the two scenarios, it's fairly obvious which one we would all pick. But would you put all your chips down on a 50/50 bet? Because no matter how much faith you have, or scientific proof there is, there's nothing more to tell any of us that all we're doing is guessing.
So for me, to sum up my reason for writing this little post, I want to play with my chips. What we have here is real, if nothing else. If I spend my life sacrificing the very things that I believe I would enjoy, then I am taking such an enormous risk. To risk everything based on a belief that holds zero substantial proof is plausibly insane. Nothing matters more than the people you interact with on a daily basis. No one matters more than the people that love you. And nothing is worth the sacrifice of neglecting the essence of what it means to be alive in order to satisfy a belief of an imaginary eternal bliss with absolutely zero physical evidence.
This may be a temporary home, but never forget that this is a home while you are here, so take every opportunity to make it a home worth living in, not just a stepping stone to something you deem might be better.

a lot said here, and i will save all my comments for a time when we can actually argue/discuss. however, the thing i most disagree with was when you said "...sacrifice this life for eternity in heaven...". in my eyes, i have LIVED life and would die perfectly happy. a saint no, not even a church go-er, but i'd like to think that if there is a heaven or even something better than here, i'd be granted a VIP pass because not only would i liven that place up, but i've (almost) always treated others the way that i want to be treated and have meant well.
ReplyDeleteWell said, well said. Lots to think on and many valid points. Great post.