Wednesday, April 1, 2009

City Living

So when I started this endeavor, I had great intentions. Great expectations. There didn't seem to be a lid on what I was approaching. I envisioned late nights with extravagant people and stories for days that would sell in a book, if I could remember them well enough to write them down. There was supposed to be an endless list of options that would entice even the good-natured and pure-souled.

Then it all happened. Then I moved to the loud noises and, well, the loud noises. And I was thrust into a lifestyle that doesn't give you a chance to breath, nevertheless actually live a normal life.

Hold on. The train is going by. Again.

I have been stretched to my thinnest cord and last nerve, and it's not going to stop. There is exactly 6 months left to live in this place, and I have no idea if I will be strong enough to be able to endure. I'm exhausted every day at work. I'm miserable on my way home. I'm physically deteriorated. I'm neglecting people I care about. And I'm just about done.

Just Kidding. Happy April 1st. Love the city!! SUMMMEERRRRRR

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