Monday, May 31, 2010

Century Mark

My last post was my 100th since starting this blog 16 months ago and this weekend left me no time and in no condition to write, but forcing myself to produce four posts per month has kept me in writing shape, so while my world of hungover is inching me closer and closer to a long, restless night's sleep, I'm using my waning time to talk about the weekend that was.

Started with a party at RAM with coworkers and my brother: Gorgeous, warm, sunny afternoon cocktails with the anticipation of a long, fun weekend ahead. There aren't many better feelings than that.

A BBQ at a friends house back in Palatine: The gang was back together, bags and frisbees were flying, food was delicious, the weather was perfect, the drinks were flowing, and we all had fun. Success.

Saturday hanging around Palatine then going out in the city: Successfully found enough people and a location for bags, had enough sun for some sunburn, and had enough time to get back for the Hawks game. Having a team in the finals for a sport creates an unbelievable buzz in the city, it needs to be experienced.

Sunday before Memorial Day Cubs game: We had perfect weather, a great group, awesome seats, (crappy game), Gruber caught a baseball tossed up during batting practice, hours of bags, laughing, and countless other shenanigans.

It was a long, exhausting, sun and friend filled Memorial Day weekend, including two Stanley Cup victories for the Hawks. I'd say if I had to take a weekend to blame for not having time to write, I couldn't have sketched it up any better.

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