Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Compromise, Yo

So I consider myself 'on the dating scene.' This should not surprise anyone reading this. Hoping to generalize without offending anyone, you tend to invariably brush through a checklist upon meeting someone new, wondering if, in the brief or telling instance you have met, whether or not this person could, or would, stack up to whatever set of wishful requirements you have applied to a future significant other.

That winded sentence meant that early on, you tend judge people on whether or not you can date them.

I don't suppose this is uncommon. So I don't plan on explaining this. It happens. But sometimes, I think we forget what we are looking for. How many people in relationships can honestly say that their partner fits every note on the bill? None. Sorry.

So while I sit here, after just finishing working at my friends' place cuz my internet got screwy, I have realized a few things. I think that when it comes down to it, and I think about a future with someone, we don't have to listen to the same music, we just have to be able to listen to the same music. We don't have to watch the same movies, we just have to be able to watch the same movies. We don't have even have to believe in the same things, we just need to be tolerant of each other's beliefs.

This may not seem like a new idea. And I'm pretty sure its not. But I just don't want to try to find someone that listens to Machine Head and watches 24 and loves Kevin Smith movies while knowing what a successful hit and run looks like along with the difference between a dopple and a triple, cuz after years of unsuccessful looking, I'll realize the only thing I missed out on was the fun of trying new things and discussing different tastes.

But I really hope shes a Cubs fan.


  1. I am curious to know just how many thought that you missed spelled double, thinking it was a baseball reference.


  2. Sorry about the mispelling of mispelled.
