Friday, March 13, 2009


I want to keep exploring this, so I've picked it back up. I was just watching Rock Star. They play the song "We All Die Young." This has added a new wrinkle, a reason enough to dive into another cliche. This will be punctuated, so if you have somewhere to go, don't worry, you won't be late.

So I just spent my last post talking about how the length of life shouldn't matter, its all about experiencing the things that fill your life with happiness. 20, 40, 120 years... a full life is up to you.

But Steel Dragon says we all die young. So who's right? If we all die young, then that would mean we never have enough time to fill our lives with enough happiness to die without regret.

I happen to think I'm smarter than a cliche, so I'm going to say I'm right. But I know as well as anyone that this isn't about who's right or wrong, or who has figured out the answer. The point is that there are so many different ways to look at something, especially something as fluid as life. This is not a new idea for me, but I'm excited to be able to bring so many different topics back to the same general idea. When something is on your mind too much, you start to see it everywhere. It affects your daily thought process. It can piss you off, or bring you peace. So make sure your obsessive thought is a good one, you never know when it's your last.

[I am ruining this 1 picture a post thing]

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